Monday, June 9, 2008

"You chose... wisely"

I just rented the DVD of "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" and all I have to say is "Wow!"

I had not seen this installment of the Indiana Jones saga in over ten years and watching it in HD was like seeing it again for the first time.

And of course being a bitter producer, I had to compare it to the recent "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and the results weren't pretty. Bascically there is no comparison, "Last Crusade" is like "Citizen Kane" to "Skull's" "Smokey & the Bandit part 3."

"Last Crusade" had everything one could want in an Indiana Jones movie; intrigue, exotic locales, realistic action sequences and yes, it even had sex. Can you imagine both Indy and his father (Sean Connery) getting down with the same woman in the childish "Crystal Skull?" I think not.

So to make sure Spielberg and Lucas don't screw up the next Indiana Jones sequel, I put together a short list of elements they need to include...

1) A believable script with adult themes and situations (i.e. no CGI gofers and monkeys).
2) Great characters (I.e. Henry Jones, Sr., Sallah, Elsa Schneider and Marcus Brody)
3) Evil villians (like Walter Donovan and Col. Vogel -- not Cate Blanchette's cartoony Col. Spalko)
4) A cool ending (i.e. the Holy Grail and a 700 year old knight, not a bunch of skeletal aliens in a CGI space ship).
5) And most of all, no Mutt Williams (sorry Shia, you were the worst part of "Crystal Skull").

1 comment:

TheLonelyArtistClub said...

Amen. Amen. Amen. Is there anyway we can file an injunction to keep George Lucas from every touching an established movie franchise again?