Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"I see lots of dead people"

Hey gang, just caught M. Night Shyamalan latest, "The Happening," and guess what... I really liked it. Call me crazy, but I'm disagreeing with the nation's movie critics and recommending this movie to all my readers.

If you're a fan of the old 'Twilight Zone," you'll dig this flick. In a nutshell, "The Happening" is about a family (led by Marky Mark) on the run from a natural crisis that presents a large-scale threat to humanity.

Was it perfect? No. Did it have moments of unintentional laugher? Yes (see scene where lions attack a man at the zoo). But it also had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.

So ignore the critics and run to the nearest mulitplex. Thank me later.

-The Bitter Producer

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