Monday, June 2, 2008

Say cheese!

I just returned from seeing "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and the best word to describe my feelings right now is.... disappointed.

After waiting 19 years for this "Indy" sequel, I thought Spielberg and Lucas would have produced a masterpiece on the level of "The Empire Strikes Back" or "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn" -- Instead what I got was a ridiculous plot, cheesy CGI effects and a script written for an 8-year-old (I won't even mention the gofers). It's funny, I had the exact same experience after seeing "Star Wars: Episode 1" (also produced by George Lucas).

Disappointment #2 -- The movie's new character, "Mutt Williams" (a cross between Justin Long in "Die Hard 4" and Fonzie from "Happy Days") played by Shia LaBeouf.

It's obvious Lucas wants Shia to take over the franchise from Harrison Ford (who's now a senior citizen). To make matters worse, he tries to sell us on "Mutt" using that old movie cliche, "Oh by the way, the character who's been giving you a hard time for most of the film is actually your son" -- Hmmm where have we seen that before?

That all said, I still enjoyed "Indy 4" on some level, I just haven't figured out which one yet.

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