Monday, June 23, 2008

EW's New Classic Movie List Sucks!

I just finished checking out Entertainment Weekly's "New Classics of the Past 25 Years" issue and I'm still in a state of shock.

I can't believe what titles were placed on their Top 25 movie list...and more importantly, what films were left off. They actually chose "Pulp Fiction" as the top film of the past 25 years -- Puleeeease! Where was "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan? "The Shawshank Redemption?" "Rocky 3?"

All I can say is the folks at EW magazine have lost some major street cred.

Here are their Top 25 New Movie Classics (with my added commentary)...

25. Shrek - A fine CGI cartoon, but not top 25.
24. A Room With a View" - I checked out. Did anybody see this?
23. Momento - I'd rather see Burt Reynold's "Stroker Ace"
22. Rushmore - In no rushmore to see this artsy-fartsy flop. Ha!
21. Schindler's List - Filmmaking at it's best.
20. The Lion King - Come on, this is not the Top 25 kiddie movies.
19. Casino Royale - Good, but Daniel Craig is no Sean Connery (or Roger Moore).
18. Do the Right Thing - A decent film about a difficult subject.
17. Jerry Maguire - Bleah! Tom Cruise and Jonathan Lipnicki - Nuff said.
16. Boogie Nights - Phillip Seymore Hoffman + Burt Reynolds = Great movie.
15. Edward Scissorhands - I liked "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" much better
14. Crumb - I've never even heard of this.
13. Goodfellas - Should be in the Top 3.
12. Matrix - Awesome flick, even the Oracle agrees.
11. This is Spinal Tap - I fell asleep watching this.
10. Moulin Rouge - Where's the clicker?
9. Die Hard - Yippee-Ki-yay!
8. The Silence of the Lambs - Love Foster and Hopkins.
7. Hannah and Her Sisters - I like Woody Allen and Michael Caine, but number 7?
6. Saving Private Ryan - Solid flick, no arguments
5. Toy Story - This belongs at #15, not #5.
4. Blue Velvet - This pick should be tried as a crime against humanity.
3. Titanic - Yes, I cried when Grandma tossed her neckless into the water, so what?
2. Lord of the Rings Trilogy - The only one they got right.
1. Pulp Fiction - A great film, but the best of the past 25 years? Me thinks not!

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