Saturday, May 17, 2008

Does the new Indy suck?

This is a photo of Harrison Ford and Shia LaBeouf high-tailing it out of Cannes as a mob of angry French filmgoers give chase.  The near riot occurred following the premiere  of "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" at the Cannes International Film Festival.

Actually it's just a still from the film, but early internet reviews have not been kind to the fourth "Indy" installment from producer George Lucas and Director Steven Spielberg.               

On, A movie exec who calls himself ShogunMaster wrote this after attending an early screening... 

"This is the Indiana movie that you were dreading.  During the whole movie there was not a single moment that I thought our hero Mr. Jones was in any sort of peril or even significant inconvenience."  

Let's all hope the ShogunMaster is wrong, but I have a feeling he's not.  After all, George Lucas did bring us the dreaded "Star Wars Christmas Special," "Howard the Duck" and "Star Wars: Episodes 1-3.  Nuff said.

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