Saturday, May 31, 2008

Help! I'm "Lost"

Like many of my fellow Losties, I came away from Thursday's "Lost" finale with more questions then answers. And since I have this groovy new blog, I thought I'd share a few...

* Why does Ben still move the island even after he's killed all of Widmore's commandos?

* How did Jin manage to learn english is just a couple of months despite the lack of classes, books or Berlitz tapes?

* Whatever happened to the Darma Initiative's zoo?

* Did the helicopter really save that much more fuel when Sawyer made his selfless love leap into the ocean?

* Why is Claire a ghost -- She was never killed?

* Is there a dinosaur on the island or did the smoke monster knock down all those trees in season one?

* When the helicopter was taking off from the freighter, why didn't the ship's crew members try to jump on?

* When Jack and Freckles were at the airfield in the flash forward -- Why did they both refer to Locke as Jeremy Betham even though they were alone with each other?

* Do the island's magical powers include keeping Jack's facial stubble at the same length for months at a time?


1 comment:

Queen D said...

hahaha I am a Lostie and i def feel you on some of these questions. Also its not hard to learn another language when your submerged in it, it's almost like a survival strategy.