Sunday, May 11, 2008

Iron Man, Iron Man, does whatever a Iron Man can

I finally saw "Iron Man" last night and get this -- I actually enjoyed it.   It wasn't perfect, but how many movies are? (0k "Star Trek 2" and the original "Planet of the Apes"do come to mind - ha)
Anyway, "Iron Man" has everything a good superhero movie should;  A decent script, cool special effects, good acting (Robert Downey, Jr.) and most importantly an over-the-top villain (Jeff Bridges).   I'm a little miffed though because I heard there was a scene at end of the credits featuring an eyepatch-wearing Samual Jackson -- Why do I always miss that stuff?

Here's my one beef -- Why does every superhero movie feel the need to include a Transformers-like battle between the hero and the villain in the final act of the film.  It all started way back when Superman battled General Zod in "Superman II" and it's been snowballing ever since.  And it's always the same sequence.  

Check it out...
1.   Hero is outmatched by the villain who has acquired similar powers.                                          
2.  After some back and fourth, villain strikes a blow to the hero, knocking him to the ground.
3.  Hero lays wounded near death.
4.  Miraculously hero somehow regains strength, spots a weakness in the villain and wins in the end. 

Come on screenwriters, it's getting old.  Please try a little harder... it's called "Originality." 

Seacrest out!


Todd S. said...

Class of Nuke em high is up there with Star Trek 2.

Unknown said...

todd s.,

you're crazy! :)